Zentrum der Gesundheit
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Correspondence Course to become an Integrative Nutrition Consultant

(InN) By applying for the distance learning course to become an Integrative Nutrition and Health Consultant as offered by the International Institute of Naturopathy (InN), you will be trained to become a versed and adept expert in the realms of optimal diet and holistic health prevention within 16 to 22 months. Learn about all the important details circling around healthy nutrition and its impact on a host of different illnesses and health conditions. Set yourself an attractive target, a target that will open up new perspectives and great opportunities. Train to become a holistic nutrition consultant – for you, your family and your prospective clients.

Aktualisiert: 14 Mai 2024

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Nutrition Consultant – Holistic and Successful

By now, there are lots and lots of nutritional advisors and dietary consultants. Their underlying concepts and methods, however, are often unclear, and mostly their accomplishments are poor or short-lived. Too often, the consultant only focuses on addressing just a single complaint (such as gout), a certain food intolerance (e.g., lactose intolerance), or a distinct symptom (e.g., high cholesterol levels). Even more often, dietary consultations merely circle around reducing the client’s body weight. Contrary to that, there are only a few dietary consultants working with a holistic approach.

Nutrition consultant for holistic health

Holistically working nutrition consultants usually don’t suffer from this "tunnel vision". Rather, they think more complex which is why they don’t only separately pay attention to certain illnesses, blood test results, or the client’s body weight. Instead, an Integrative Nutrition and Health Consultant pays attention to the ENTIRE individual, which includes both body and soul as well as the current life situation.

Every diet plan hast to be devised according to individual needs

Bearing in mind all these factors, the course participants learn to devise individualized diet plans that take into account the personal needs and requirements of the clients.

Therefore, a client suffering from, for instance, rheumatic ailments might be advised to adhere to a special diet plan that can totally differ from another rheumatic’s diet plan.

Even when it comes to devising a diet plan for weight reduction, it is the client in his or her entirety who has to be taken into account. This is what distinguishes the Integrative Nutrition and Health Consultant from other dietary advisors.

It’s our aim to restore a healthy balance

Holistic consultation is like balancing scales by removing unhealthy habits from the one scale and adding new approaches and naturopathic measures to the other one, so that an individual will finally be able to restore his or her harmonic and healthy balance.

This balance, in fact, comprises ALL aspects of life, so that the client not only automatically reaches the optimal body weight, appropriate cholesterol levels, and a healthy blood pressure but also physical and mental health in all phases of life.

Thus, graduates of the International Institute of Naturopathy are not merely called dietary advisors but Integrative Nutrition and Health Consultants.

At a glance: The distance learning course to become an Integrative Nutrition and Health Consultant

The distance learning course as offered by the International Institute of Naturopathy InN, Switzerland, focusses on the holistic aspects of a healthy nutrition and a beneficial lifestyle as well as on their impact on our organism.

  1. As a prospective nutrition consultant you will learn that in case of illness our organism cannot simply be reduced to a couple of symptoms or body parts but has to be considered as a whole and in its entirety – and, hence, as an inseparable entity.
  2. You will quickly realize that there is hardly any other factor that influences our well-being as much as our diet and lifestyle do.
  3. Additionally, you will find out that many of today’s dietary habits and food items that are generally considered to be healthy are, in fact, not healthy at all.
  4. You will learn to understand the causal relationships between our diet and the onset of health conditions, food intolerances, and allergies.
  5. You will gain the ability to device personalized diet plans for every individual that take into account their current physical and mental situation.
  6. On top of that, you will get important knowledge on how diet, lifestyle, and personal hygiene can be changed and optimized and how naturopathic measures can be utilized in order to give the organism the ability to restore its natural balance and its original harmony.

The distance learning course doesn’t require previous knowledge

During this distance learning course to become an Integrative Nutrition and Health Consultant you will be provided with all the necessary information on anatomy and nutrition physiology in an easily comprehensible manner that doesn’t require any previous knowledge to build on. Thus, this educational program can also be successfully completed by laymen who are interested in the subject matter.

As soon as the basic knowledge is learnt by heart, you will be equipped with well-grounded information on the topic of holistic dietary naturopathy, comprehensive practical know-how on holistic health, and the necessary basics for holistic consultations at the highest level.

Learn from home in an exciting and entertaining manner – while keeping contact with our team of tutors via the online campus of the International Institute of Naturopathy.

Training to become an Integrative Nutrition and Health Consultant – Certified by the Zentrum der Gesundheit

This distance learning course to become an Integrative Nutrition and Health Consultant is the only educational program that is certified by the Zentrum der Gesundheit, as it is also the only learning course whose content conforms to the holistic philosophy championed by the Zentrum der Gesundheit.

Additionally, the German program this English course is based on has recently been approved by the ZFU.

ZFU is the acronym for „Staatliche Zentralstelle für Fernunterricht", a German agency for the assessment and accreditation of distance learning courses.

The ZFU checks whether an educational program fulfills the requirements of the federal laws concerned with distance learning courses (i.e., the Fernunterrichtschutzgesetz [FernUSG]) and whether such a program is suited as a distance learning course with regards to its content and its didactical approach.

Additionally, this agency also checks whether the goals of a given distance learning program are generally achievable, whether the occupational goals are conforming to the legal requirements and whether the information material and the contract fulfill legal regulations.

Become an Integrative Nutrition and Health Consultant

  1. If you are fascinated by the holistic point of view,
  2. if you only want the best for you and your family when it comes to health,
  3. if you want to make a profession out of your enthusiasm for healthy eating and living, or
  4. if you are already working in the health care industry but want to take advanced training that will eventually help your clients

… then you should become a holistic dietary advisor – for the benefit of yourself, your family, and your clients!

You are welcome to visit the website of the International Institute of Naturopathy! There, you can take a first glance at the course’s modules as well as request our free info brochure.

Are you interested in what former graduates or current students have to say about this distance learning course to become an Integrative Nutrition and Health Consultant and what they experienced during this distance learning program? Then…

read the feedbacks of our students and graduates

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